Signing an agreement between the IPChain Association,
n'RIS, and Tsarskaya privelegia company
Signing an agreement between the IPChain Association,
n'RIS, and Tsarskaya privelegia company
The IPChain Association, n’RIS service and Tsarskaya Privilegia consulting company
to design the IPnote digital assistant, signed a tripartite cooperation agreement on
the margins of the Conference. As part of the agreement, the parties plan to arrange
registration of intellectual property assets, uploaded by IPnote users to the
IPChain distributed ledger with n’RIS solution.Alexander Lyovkin, General Director
of Tsarskaya Privilegia and founder of the IPnote project, said that scaling
partnerships will be an important step for the development of digital culture in the
Russian IP sphere. Andrey Krichevsky, president of the IPChain Association said that
the IPChain infrastructure enables companies to create their own solutions, services
and platforms, like IPnote.